In the morning, people greets each other by saying "ohayō gozaimasu"(お早う 御座います。) or just "ohayō(お早う。)" for the informal ones. As it gets to the noon, people say "konnichiwa(今日は。)", one of the most commonly known Japanese word, it is equivalent to the French word bonjour, meaning both hello and good afternoon. In the evening or at night, people say "Konbanwa(今晩は。)".
To express thankfulness, people use "arigatō gozaimazu(ありがと 御座います。)" for formal ones and "arigatō (ありがと。)" for the friendly ones. To say you're welcome, it's a bit more complicated, it's "iie, dō itashimashite(いいえ、どう いたしまして。)". To say sorry or excuse me, you use "sumimasen (すみません。)". Finally, to say bye, you say "sayōnara(さようなら。)". That's all for today. Enjoy Tokyo!