Manga(漫画, comics) plays an important role in people's life in Japan. Whether you are a boy or a girl, you will surely read manga. Manga include a wide variety of subjects: action, romance, adventure, sports, fantasy, adult... Manga is particularly popular in Taiwan("manhua"), Korea("manhwa" and Hong Kong("manwa"). In other places in the world, manga is gaining its popularity, especially in France and in the US.
Manga firstly originates from the American cartoon, especially Disney. During the American occupation of Japan in WWII, mangas are created, influenced by the American culture. Astro Boy was then one of the most popular ones, and it still remains its popularity now. France was then deeply influenced by this Japanese culture in the 19th century, i.e. Japonisme.
Popular manga in Japan includes Bleach (ブリーチ), Death Note (デスノート), Detective Conan (名探偵 コナン), Doraemon (ドラえもん), Fullmetal Alchemist (鋼の錬金術師), Naruto (ナルト), One Piece (ワンピース), the Prince of Tennis (テニスの王子様), Yu-Gi-Oh! (遊☆戯☆王), etc.
Tokyo Culture
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このブログは東京文化についてすべてです。 あらゆる種類の東京の情報と、東京の文化です。 東京を楽しむし、東京が大好き!!